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Propers for February


Presider: Creator God, from the earth you fashioned humanity from you own holiness. In Jesus, you draw us in love and purpose. Through the Holy Spirit, we are energized in compassion and creativity.

People: We receive this bread for community, this wine for joy, and this love for strength and vision.



Source of all life and breath, we celebrate your Holy Presence, brooding over the earth then and healing us now. May our prayers turn to action as we listen to our stories and remember your Spirit in our songs of praise. Amen


Prayer over the gifts

Generous and merciful One, we offer you our hearts and this share in our wealth. May we always remember that all that we have belongs to you to extend your mission of love. Amen


Prayer after Communion

Blessed Creator, as we have experienced you in this feast of joy, so may we speak hope and healing in the world. Anointed One, as you have called us to the table of friendship, so may we learn to speak the language of acceptance. Holy Spirit, enliven us on our daily paths so that we may ease the steps of others with laughter and compassion. In all things, giving thanks, we pray to the Holy Trinity of love. Amen

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